Advertisers are looking for new fresh ideas that communicate with their customers, ideas that can produce direct response and reach potential customers with a passion for sports. Weather you looking for major league sports, minor league sports, collegiate, Motor Sports of Golf we have great news for you.

ESports Gaming & Learning Pod
►The Esports pod is a gaming pod created by sports media in order to ensure a balanced playing field in esports.
►Every Esports pod will have the same equipment & internet speeds in order to ensure that the competitions are won based on skill, not superior equipment.
►Designed for sponsorships
►Design for E sports betting with monitoring of eye-movement hand movement keystrokes to create handicapping
►Ensuring Proper Broadband controls for satellite qualifications or tournaments
►Initiating College Scholarship Program
►Managing NFT Marketplace with live streaming

Restroom Caddy with Billboard
►Your fans will love you with the new design
►Cup Holder, Bag Hook, Phone Holder
►DOptional Ad Panel Interchangeable
►Patented label can be used as an option

Pure Box Water Private Lable Packaging
All water is sourced in the USA and packaged in earth-conscious, 100% recyclable, mostly paper cartons that contain no BPAs, and no volatile organic compounds.
►Custom Private Label Water Product
►USA Water Source
►Eco Friendly
►Sustainable and Recyclable
►Fundraising Programs
►Can Be Marketed In Local Communities with your packaging
►EOffers Sponsorship Opportunities

Power On The Go Solution
►Fuel Rod is a mobile handheld charging station! Fuel Rod gives eight (8) or more additional hours of life to any mobile smart device.
►Sports Media study showed millions of brand impressions are lost forever due to dead or dying cell phone batteries.
►NOW by placing Fuel Rod Kiosks, venues can add Millions of new Brand Impressions with this simple handheld device.
►Sales activated by in-house trigger points for maximum exposure and well show you how!
►Fuelrod allows people to move freely whenever and wherever with Power On The Go.
►Fuelrod’s are located in convention centers, regional shopping malls, colleges, convenience stores, and amusement parks.
►Fuelrod can be branded with a logo and customized packaging.

Cup Holders, a Great Branding Opportunity!
The Cupholder Sponsorship and advertising medium has proven to be one of the most appealing and effective ways to reach new customers and build your brand. Sports Media places Cupholders and a NEW Sponsor in Venues Nationwide.
Cupholder Labels!
Cupholder labels are an interracial part of any cup holder sponsorship and Sports Media has over 15 years experience in producing cup holder banners, these banners are tear proof, graffiti proof, UV protected and have a special bonding agent to prevent there removal, they last for years. Sports Media can also provide a full service installation staff to replace existing banners or simply install new ones.

Sports Media Stadium Concession Trays!
The number one used tray in all of sports. These unique food and drink trays can provide a marketing message throughout the country in MLB, NFL, NASCAR, NHL, NBA stadiums and arenas. Concession Trays are just the thing to give the advertisers’ message a refreshing boost. The Sports Media Tray can be used for branding, couponing, and even for sampling! With a 80% take home rate when use as a coupon and 16 brand impressions per tray.

Sports Media Team Mascot Kiosk
Sports Fans have more ways to interact with Team Mascots, reading the LED message, watching video, interacting with trivia and games, having their picture taken and have that picture emailed or sent to a Sports Fan cell phone. All this interaction deliver branded messages and build a database for future marketing. Call Sports Media today and find out how you can participate.
►LED Display Board has the capability to offer Advertisers, services like branded live news feeds, sports scores, and weather information in stadiums or arenas.
►32” Fully Enclosed Display allows for full audio and video. Advertisers can build a database through text messaging running trivia and interactive games. Along with sending branded messages to cell phones
►24’ Fully Enclosed Touch Screen Display allows advertisers to yet build another database of email address and send branded messages as customers have their picture taken with a stadium backdrop and sent to their email address or cell phone